Monday, October 29

blog favourites

Even if I don't post that much on this site from time to time, I frequently stop by my Blogger dashbord to read the latest entries of my favourite blogs.
Currently I enjoy following DIAMOND CANOPY, a blog by London based Winnie, who writes pleasently about her passion for Asian food, clothing and various other topics.
Another site I can recommend is THE PET FANCLUB, run by the editor in chief of Indie Magazine, who presents you interesting insights of press life and pictures of cute kittens.
KRISATOMIC is a blog written by a graphic designer and photographer from beautiful Brighton who I stumbled upon because of chronic bitchface (when you search her site for it, you will understand what's meant by that). You should also definitely check out the homepage she set up for the pictures she took at this year's fashion weeks. I'm normally not into that stuff, but you don't have to know much about fashion to find her pictures pretty.
There are a few more blogs that I read regulary (for example SCOUTING NEW YORK), but these are the main ones I enjoy at the moment.

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